Five Stories that Matter in Michigan This Week – September 9, 2022

  1. Report Shows Decline in Health Care Employment

The Michigan Health & Hospital Association, Michigan State Medical Society, and Michigan Osteopathic Association jointly issued a report showing that the number of health care jobs in Michigan declined in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, due in large part to burnout associated with the pandemic.

Why it Matters: If these trends aren’t reversed, access to care could ultimately be affected. And the health care industry is one of the largest employers in Michigan, so the economy could be impacted as well. There are steps being taken in Lansing to help address these issues. In February, legislation was passed allocating $300 million to help relieve the health care worker shortage.


  1. Gilbert Foundation Commits $10 Million to Detroit Startups

The Gilbert Family Foundation recently announced the launch of Venture 313, a three-year, $10 million commitment to Detroit area startups and entrepreneurs.

Why it Matters: Venture 313 will, through various partners invest $500 to $250,000 into Detroit businesses, depending on the circumstances of each business. This is just the latest development in the story of robust growth for Michigan’s startup and venture capital environment, which is among the fastest growing in the country.


  1. City of Detroit Moving Forward with Adult-Use Recreational Licenses

Following the news that Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Leslie Kim Smith dismissed the two lawsuits from House of Dank and JARS, respectively, the City of Detroit will start processing applications for adult-use recreational licenses.

Why it Matters: This is the latest development in a turbulent time for the city as they have yet to establish and begin selling recreational cannabis. However this appears to be the last roadblock for the city and they can begin processing applications. Fraser Trebilcock cannabis attorneys will continue to monitor the situation for updates.


  1. NHTSA Compliance and Suspensions

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) has recently taken enforcement action against a number of Registered Importers (RI) whose import documentation does not strictly comply with NHTSA laws and Regulations. This enforcement action may include lengthy RI registration suspension or termination.

Why it Matters: RI’s are advised that all certifications to NHTSA must be completely accurate and not false or misleading. Critically, the dates of entry must be accurate and not false or misleading. RI’s are responsible for the actions of their employees, so employees must be trained on NHTSA laws and Regulations.


  1. MDOT Seeks to Install Automated Cameras in Work Zones

Michigan HB 5750 would allow the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to install automated cameras in work zones to capture speeders. While the bill sits on the House floor, the road construction industry is getting behind the bill.

Why it Matters: If this bill passes, drivers will need to be aware of the resulting penalties for exceeding the posted speed by 10 mph or greater, which would range from a written warning to a $300 fine.

Related Practice Groups and Professionals

Labor, Employment & Civil Rights | Aaron Davis
Business & TaxEd Castellani
Cannabis Law | Sean Gallagher
Insurance Defense | Emily Vanderlaan