Health Care Reform: Links & Resources to Help Guide Your Business

Notice of Exchange

By October 1, 2013, employers must notify their employees about the availability of the Exchange.  New hires must be provided the notice within 14 days of their hire date.

Information about this requirement, as well as the model notice, can be found in Technical Release No. 2013-2 at: .

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Key Mandate in Health Care Law Delayed: What This Decision Means For You

The Department of Treasury announced late Tuesday, July 2, 2013, that it will delay penalties for large employers that do not provide health insurance coverage in 2014. The Treasury Department said that the mandate will now start in 2015.

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Defense of Marriage Act: What Today’s Supreme Court Ruling Means for Michigan

Expect to see renewed passion on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate in Michigan, following Wednesday’s U.S. Supreme Court decisions to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and to allow same-sex marriage in California.

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Affordable Care Act: What Every Business Needs to Know

Below is information provided during a seminar titled, The Affordable Care Act: An Overview of What to Expect, hosted by the Lansing Chamber of Commerce. In this first of three sessions, Fraser Trebilcock Lawyers, along with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Grotenhuis, helped area business leaders to understand the ACA. You can learn more about the session and upcoming sessions here: LRCC Programs on Health Care Reform. Scroll to the bottom for more links related to ACA.

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Do Your Employees Have the Right Stuff?

Using Competency Models in Strategic Human Resource Management
By: Michael P. James, J.D., M.B.A.

Human Resource Management Professionals:

Have you been asked to complete a skill or competency analysis for employees in your organization? Are you in charge of evaluating or designing a talent/knowledge-based compensation system? Would you like to create training and certification programs to ensure that employees possess the skills required for the positions they hold in your company? These responsibilities can be overwhelming, yet they are also critical to the success of your organization. Where should you start?

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