- US Supreme Court Makes Clear that Highly Compensated Employees can be Eligible for Overtime Pay
In Helix Energy Solutions Group v. Helix, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that highly compensated employees—in this case the employee at issue earned more than $200,000 per year—can be eligible for overtime pay if they are paid on a daily basis as opposed to a salary basis.
Why it Matters: Many employers mistakenly assume that highly compensated employees are not eligible for overtime pay. However, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees are exempt from overtime if they earn at least $107,432 per year on a salary basis (and perform executive, administrative, professional or outside sales work. Because the penalties for noncompliance can be steep, employers should consult with legal counsel to help ensure that their workers are classified and paid in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
- How Copyrights Protect Your Business
Copyright is the exclusive legal protection that covers an original work of authorship. Copyrights vest upon creation of the work, which means placing the work onto a tangible medium (e.g., applying paint to a canvas or words to a screenplay).
Why it Matters: As noted above, copyrights vest upon creation of the work, even if it isn’t published. Similar to trademark law, it can be difficult to enforce your copyright if the work is not registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Learn more.
- Department of Labor Issues Guidance to Employers on Telework
On February 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a Field Assistance Bulletin (Bulletin) addressing several questions related to compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) when a business employs teleworkers.
Why it Matters: The Bulletin provides that the protections under the FLSA apply equally to employees who telework as to employees working at an office, factory, construction site, retail outlet, or any other worksite location. Learn more.
- Business Education Series – Teaching Leadership
Hosted at the Lansing Regional Chamber, the March Business Education Series will have Brain Town, founder and CEO of Michigan Creative, who will discuss how to inspire your staff to be the leaders they all have inside of them.
Why it Matters: Brian will also show you how to write core values that can guide your business and help form an unstoppable team. Attendees will learn how to write and use core values, leadership tips, and ways to inspire greatness. Business owners and leaders are encouraged to attend! Learn more.
- The Ins and Outs of Cottage Succession Planning in Michigan (Part Two)
A cottage plan is an agreement that describes how a cottage will be shared, managed and passed on to future generations of family members. Cottage plans typically cover a range of issues that can impede the succession of a cottage if left unaddressed.
Why it Matters: There are significant advantages to having a cottage plan that utilizes an LLC or trust structure. There is no single option that is best for all families, so it’s important to consult with an experienced cottage law attorney to determine what option is right for you. Learn more from your Fraser Trebilcock attorney.
Related Practice Groups and Professionals
Labor, Employment & Civil Rights | Aaron Davis
Intellectual Property | Jared Roberts
Cottage Law | Mark Kellogg