Planning Strategies and Divestments in Medicaid Planning: A Workshop

Navigating through the many rules and regulations of Medicaid can often be a stressful time for families. The application process itself can be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, as well as the post-planning that occurs after Medicaid eligibility is obtained. It’s with these difficulties in mind that Fraser Trebilcock attorney Melisa Mysliwiec recently shared key insights with other attorneys in Michigan on how to help families maneuver through the challenging aspects of Medicaid. The presentation, titled “Hands-On Medicaid Part II: Planning Strategies and Divestment”, a follow-up to last year’s workshop, was delivered following the Institute for Continuing Legal Education’s 4th Annual Elder Law Institute, on Friday, September 14.

The seminar provided attendees with a case study about a husband and wife, second marriage for both, navigating the post-planning that is required during the presumed asset eligibility period after the husband obtained Medicaid eligibility to help pay for his long-term nursing home care. Subsequently, attendees were face with a change in circumstances; the husband died and the wife requires long-term nursing home care. Sample income and financial statements were provided and the attendees worked through a sample spend down and completed a Medicaid Application.

ICLE 4th Annual Elder Law Institute

Melisa, along with attorneys Rosemary Howley Buhl, Howard H. Collens, Erin L. Majka, and Terrence G. Quinn, answered questions and provided thorough advice on each step in the process. The well over 100 attendees were able to walk away with a completed sample Medicaid Application and supporting documents.

In addition to presenting on this topic on Friday, Melisa also moderated the plenary sessions of ICLE’s 4th Annual Elder Law Institute on Thursday, September 13. These sessions covered a broad range of topics that allowed attendees to walk away with critical updates and detailed insights in the area of guardianships and conservatorships, government benefits, and use of protective orders in the realm of disabilities planning and elder law.

Attorney Melisa Mysliwiec


If you would like to talk with an attorney about putting legal plans in place, contact attorney Melisa M. W. Mysliwiec. Melisa focuses her work in the areas of Elder Law and Medicaid planning, estate planning, and trust and estate administration. She can be reached at or 616-301-0800.

Fraser Trebilcock Hosts Ingham County Probate Court Summer Interns

On August 3, 2017, the Trusts & Estates Department of Fraser Trebilcock hosted a luncheon for 10 Ingham County Probate Court interns. Attorneys Marlaine C. Teahan, Mark E. Kellogg, Melisa M.W. Mysliwiec, and Shaina R. Reed lead discussions on:

  • future employment opportunities in the area;
  • differences among solo, small, medium or large firm practices;
  • life as a practicing attorney in the area of Trusts & Estates; and
  • benefits of a student membership in the State Bar of Michigan and the Probate and Estate Planning Section.

The interns explained their responsibilities at probate court and shared stories of participating in probate court hearings as both investigator and guardian ad litem. One intern found the probate court a thrilling place to learn. All agreed that their summer internship experience helped them grow, personally and professionally, and helped them learn more about what they want to experience in their future work as an attorney.

Fraser Trebilcock is proud to partner with the Ingham County Probate Court in informal gatherings with summer interns. Last year the interns met with the associates of Fraser Trebilcock to learn about life as a new attorney in a mid-size, full service Michigan firm. We look forward to future luncheons and wish this year’s summer probate court interns success as they return to school. Many thanks to Scott J. DeWeerd, Deputy Probate Register, for helping make this luncheon happen.