Social Security, Durable Powers of Attorney, and Guardianships for Children with Disabilities

You likely already know how important it is to plan for yourself, but it’s especially imperative for those caring for children with disabilities to know what options are available to their children and what government benefits might be available to assist in supporting them. 

Michigan Court of Appeals Decisions Regarding Estate Recovery

If you know anyone who receives long-term care services covered by Medicaid, it is highly likely that their estate will be subject to estate recovery unless specific actions are taken to prevent estate recovery.  Estate recovery is the program through which the State of Michigan is paid back for Medicaid benefits provided to certain recipients … Continue reading Michigan Court of Appeals Decisions Regarding Estate Recovery

Estate Recovery Cases Pending Before the Michigan Court of Appeals

Most of you have heard the term estate recovery by now and understand what it is.  Estate recovery is the program through which the State of Michigan is paid back for Medicaid benefits provided to certain recipients upon the recipient’s death by allowing the state to recover property from the recipient’s probate estate. In an … Continue reading Estate Recovery Cases Pending Before the Michigan Court of Appeals

Knowing Who to Trust: Upcoming Estate Planning Seminar

For many people, the estate planning process can be overwhelming. In this digital age, it can also be hard to know who to trust to guide you through the process. If this sounds familiar, an upcoming seminar can help you learn where to turn, and how to avoid common estate planning mistakes.

Settling Personal Injury Claims Involving Minors, Part 1 of 2

So, picture this: John’s 7 year old son, Adam, was recently bit by a dog and suffered damages as a result.  John and the dog owner discussed Adam’s personal injury claim, but no complaint was actually filed.  Instead, in order to avoid litigation, the dog owner offered to pay Adam $10,000 to settle Adam’s personal … Continue reading Settling Personal Injury Claims Involving Minors, Part 1 of 2

Your Durable Power of Attorney may no longer be valid under new Michigan law

The Governor signed Enrolled Senate Bill 92 yesterday, which deals with new requirements for durable powers of attorney for finances.  The law is PA 2012, No. 141.  The new requirements do not apply to a durable power of attorney executed before October 1, 2012.  However, if your durable power of attorney does not meet the … Continue reading Your Durable Power of Attorney may no longer be valid under new Michigan law