Trusts & Estates - Fraser Trebilcock

Estate Strategies Spring Newsletter

Hands-with-Paper-Doll-FamilyFraser Trebilcock’s Spring 2015 Estate Strategies newsletter contains valuable information on a variety of Trusts and Estates topics, including:

  • Ten tips for Estate planning.
  • Protection planning techniques to protect your assets.
  • An overview on the new property tax uncapping exemption and the possible benefits.

Inside, you will also find an overview of the support and fundraising efforts Fraser Trebilcock made to the annual Coaches vs. Cancer initiative with Michigan State University and Coach Tom Izzo. To view the newsletter, click here: Fraser Trebilcock Estate Strategies Spring Newsletter 2015.

If you have questions, please contact Marlaine C. Teahan, Chair of the Trusts and Estates Department, at or 517-377-0869.

To receive a digital copy of this and future issues of the Estate Strategies newsletter in your email, please contact