Attorney Michael James spoke to the Michigan Association of CPAs yesterday on his presentation “Accountable Care Organizations 2.0”. The presentation addressed the hundreds of pages of recently proposed regulations related to ACOs that represent the most dramatic overhaul of the Medicare Shared Savings Program since its inception. Other insights in the presentation:
- Current Regulatory Environment for Integrated Models
- How the Environment Evolves Under Proposed Regulations
- Various Requirements Needed for ACOs
- Potential Risks Under Current ACO Models
You can review the presentation HERE.
To find out more about the impact that the Affordable Care Act has on health care and your business, contact Health Care Department Chair Jonathan Raven at or 517.377.0816, or our Employee Benefits Department Co-Chair Elizabeth H. Latchana at or 517.377.0826.
NOTE: Information contained in the presentation is only current as of the blog publish date. For updated information, refer to the Fraser Trebilcock Health Care Reform blog: