Fraser Trebilcock Attorney Appointed to AHA Leadership Development Committee

Fraser Trebilcock Attorney Jonathan RavenFraser Trebilcock attorney Jonathan Raven has been appointed to a term on the American Hospital Association Committee on Governance’s Leadership Development Committee, comprised of trustees of major hospitals around the country.

Leadership Development Committee members  are appointed by the Chair of Committee on Governance. During their three year term, members serve as the nominating committee of the Committee on Governance for the American Hospital Association (AHA), identifying and recommending trustees for participation in AHA governance, policy development, and field leadership opportunities.

Mr. Raven is an AV© Pre-Eminent rated attorney and the Chair of Fraser Trebilcock’s Health Care Law Department. Mr. Raven has been responsible for legal and regulatory affairs, governance, and senior executive management of a number of health care ventures within and outside of Michigan, and has recently completed a four-year term on the American Hospital Association Committee on Governance. As a twelve year member of the Sparrow Health System Board, Mr. Raven has been its Vice Chair; Chair of the Audit Committee; and sat on the Executive, Governance, Patient Quality and Safety, and Facilities Planning committees. Currently, he also serves as Board Member Emeritus, and is the senior member on its Audit Committee.