Sparrow-Mayo Partnership Profiled in Magazine, with Insight from Fraser Trebilcock Attorney

Sparrow Health System recently entered into a high-profile partnership with Mayo Clinic, allowing the community hospital to successfully share data and knowledge with a national institution, to improve patient care and population health—all while preserving local ownership and independence.

A recent article in the July 14 Issue of Trustee, The Magazine for Health Care Governance, discussed this partnership, and the recent trend in the U.S. of community hospitals and integrated health systems becoming part of a larger hospital system.

Fraser Trebilcock Shareholder and Health Care Law Department Chair Jonathan Raven spoke with Trustee on the Sparrow-Mayo partnership, noting that “…hospitals that were once community hospitals will either continue to raise their levels of quality and services, or they will be left behind. Relationships that bridge the information gap on the best, most efficient ways of getting quality medical results for every patient, that’s what you have to strive for”.

Mr. Raven is currently is completing a four-year term on the American Hospital Association Committee on Governance, and is a Board Member Emeritus of Sparrow Health System, where he continues to serve as the senior member on its Audit Committee.

Fraser Trebilcock’s team of Health Care Attorneys counsels and plans with providers of all types who seek to adapt to the rapidly changing health care environment. For more information, contact attorney Jonathan Raven at 517.377.0816 or