Fraser Trebilcock Attorney Mark E. Kellogg was recently elected to the Council of the Probate and Estate Planning Section of the State Bar of Michigan. Mr. Kellogg has been a long-time Member of the Probate and Estate Planning Section and has been active in various committees of the Section, most recently, the Real Estate Committee and the Legislative Committee. Mr. Kellogg also completed the Probate and Estate Planning Certificate Program sponsored by the Michigan Institute of Continuing Legal Education.
Mr. Kellogg has devoted his 27 years of practice to the needs of family- and closely-held businesses and enterprises, and estate and business succession planning. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the International Association of Attorneys for Family-Held Enterprises (AFHE), where he also serves on the membership committee. Mr. Kellogg is a member of the Probate and Estate Planning Section and Council of the Michigan Bar Association, as well as a member of the international Family Firm Institute. He currently serves as the President of the Michigan Chapter of the American Association of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants, among other professional leadership positions.
Mr. Kellogg has been actively involved in the Lansing area and surrounding communities throughout his professional career. He has previously served on the Board of Directors of the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, as a Member of the Board of Directors of Make-A-Wish Foundation of America (as well as on the Board for the Michigan Chapter of Make-A-Wish). He has also served on a number of Boards and committees for local community and charitable organizations, including the City of DeWitt Planning Commission, Greater Lansing Catholic Education Foundation, City of Lansing Income Tax Board of Review, RE Olds Transportation Museum, Caring About Kids, Inc. and the DeWitt Soccer Club.