Accountable Care Organizations: Operations and Audits

In the wake of health care reform, health care providers face numerous challenges that require them to adopt sustainable continuous improvements that advance care for their patients, enhance health in their populations and reduce the growth of their expenditures.  Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are one vehicle through which providers are meeting these challenges head-on.  

Recently, attorney Michael James gave a presentation at the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants (MACPA) Annual Healthcare Conference, on Accountable Care Organization operations, and the compliance and audit environments these entities must function.  To view Michael’s presentation, visit our slideshare.

To find out more about the impact that the Affordable Care Act has on health care and your business, contact Health Care Department Chair Jonathan Raven at or 517.377.0816, or our Employee Benefits Department Co-Chair Elizabeth H. Latchana at or 517.377.0826.