Reminder: PCORI Fees Due Today

Through the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Act”), the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (“Institute”) was created to promote research to advance the quality of evidence-based medicine.  The Institute is funded through the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund, which is financed, in part, by fees paid by plan sponsors of applicable self-insured health plans and issuers of specified health insurance policies.  For the first year of applicability, the fee is $1 per covered life and increases for later years.

The first deadline for payment of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee is July 31, 2013.

Continue reading Reminder: PCORI Fees Due Today

Arbitrator by Day, Avid Bicyclist by Night and Weekend

 Just thinking about riding a bicycle for 100 miles is enough to make most of us tired! Yet, at nearly 70 years  young, attorney Peter Houk can add this feat to his long list of achievements. The Fraser Trebilcock attorney and  former judge finished the Black Bear Bike Race on Sunday in eight hours and six minutes, that’s an average of  roughly 15.3 miles per hour. Mr. Houk has completed eight DALMACS from Lansing to places like Sault St. Marie.  He says he often thinks of Mr. Davis, of Fraser Trebilcock Davis & Dunlap, who was an avid cyclist into his 80’s,  even after suffering a couple of bad accidents. With Davis’ story as motivation, Houk took up cycling 25 years ago and despite having had a few crashes of his own, he says he hopes to continue just as long. Congratulations on such an amazing feat, Peter!

The Impact of Health Care Reform on Large Employers

 In early July, the Department of Treasury announced it is delaying a key mandate of the Affordable Care Act:    what’s known as the ‘Pay or Play‘ mandate. While pushing pause on this mandate gives large employers another  year to prepare, we strongly advise businesses not to wait to start making strategic decisions.

Attorney Mike James put together an information presentation for large employers: You can view the  presentation here.

Continue reading The Impact of Health Care Reform on Large Employers

Fraser Trebilcock Teams Up with BCBS, Lansing Chamber to Offer Free Seminars on Health Care Reform

Just 64 days until the next major part of the Affordable Care Act kicks in… Is your business ready? Even if you decide not to offer employees health insurance, there are mandates to follow and fees to pay.

Join Fraser Trebilcock at one of these upcoming free seminars on health care reform:

August 6 & 8 2013: Health Care Reform: Are You Ready?
Sponsored by: 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

   Attorneys Elizabeth Latchana and Michael James will lead an expert panel
discussion, following an overview presentation by BCBS.

Topics will include:
• Determining if you’re a small employer
• How the ACA will standardize benefits
• How premiums will change
• Your options for purchasing coverage

August 14, 2013: Maximizing Your Health Care Dollars for Small Employers
Sponsored by:

Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce   Fraser Trebilcock attorney Mike James will be the keynote speaker, and attorney Elizabeth Latchana will join him on the expert panel for Q&A.

Topics will include:
• Health Care Tax Credits and Penalties
• Pay or Play Mandate
• Health Insurance Exchanges
• Strategic Decision Making for Large and Small Employers

Click HERE to Register
Or call 517-377-0865

To find out more about the impact that the Affordable Care Act has on health care and your business, contact Health Care Department Chair Jonathan Raven at or 517.377.0816, or our Employee Benefits Department Co-Chair Elizabeth H. Latchana at or 517.377.0826.

Considerations for Family or Closely-held Business Clients

Accordingly, family business succession planning may become an increasing part of an estate planning attorney’s practice, or at a minimum an important topic of discussion.  There are some startling statistics with regard to family businesses as it relates to their viability and succession.
Often-cited statistics reflect that approximately one-third of family businesses survive to the 2nd generation, and only approximately 10% make it to the 3rd generation. The cited causes for this failure rate is lack of succession planning, poor communication between generations, and inadequate preparation of the next generation.

Continue reading Considerations for Family or Closely-held Business Clients

Blue Cross Blue Shield Seeks Partners for New Exclusive Provider Networks

Hospitals, health systems and group practices (“Providers”) have a new opportunity to create localized, exclusive provider networks by partnering with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (“BCBS”) for its new insurance products. With the looming implementation of the of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), BCBS believes that many individuals will be willing to trade broad network access for a quality local network and a lower-cost insurance premium.

Continue reading Blue Cross Blue Shield Seeks Partners for New Exclusive Provider Networks

Key Mandate in Health Care Law Delayed: What This Decision Means For You

The Department of Treasury announced late Tuesday, July 2, 2013, that it will delay penalties for large employers that do not provide health insurance coverage in 2014. The Treasury Department said that the mandate will now start in 2015.

Continue reading Key Mandate in Health Care Law Delayed: What This Decision Means For You

Government Pushes Pause on Pay or Play Mandate

On July 2, 2013, the Obama Administration delayed the implementation of the employer shared responsibility requirements of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). Commonly referred to as the “Pay or Play Mandate,” the ACA requires that large employers provide affordable and comprehensive health care coverage to their employees or pay penalties.

Continue reading Government Pushes Pause on Pay or Play Mandate

Obama Administration Delays Key Mandate of Health Care Law

In a major announcement, the Obama administration said late Tuesday that it will delay penalties for large employers that don’t provide health insurance coverage in 2014.

Continue reading Obama Administration Delays Key Mandate of Health Care Law