The Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision on Health Care: Today’s Ruling and its Effect on Group Health Plans

The Court held that the individual mandate (the requirement that nearly every individual purchase health insurance in 2014 or face a penalty) is constitutional under Congress’ taxing authority, despite the fact that the mandate does not pass constitutional muster under the Commerce Clause. Because this mandate was upheld, the entirety of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as it affects group health plans remains unchanged (aside from a few changes to the ACA’s impact on Medicaid).  See our previous blog, U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law, June 28,2012.

Group health plans have faced significant new challenges under the lengthy and complex ACA. The law has drastically changed health care as we know it and requires immediate action and ongoing analysis and restructuring of benefits in the years to come. The ACA requirements applicable to group health plans stand and require immediate attention. For a comprehensive summary of those requirements past, present and future, please see